NCERT Notes For Class 12 In English Medium All Subjects 


Themes In Indian History Part 1

  1. Theme One: Bricks, Beads And Bones (The Harappan Civilization)
  2. Theme Two: Kings, Farmers And Towns (Early States and Economies)
  3. Theme Three: Kinship, Cast And Class (Early Societies)
  4. Theme Four: Thinkers, Belief And Buildings (Cultural Developments)

Themes In Indian History Part 2

  1. Theme Five: Through The Eyes Of Travellers (Perception of Society)
  2. Theme Six: Bhakti - Sufi Traditions (Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts)
  3. Theme Seven: An Emperial Capital: Vijaynagar
  4. Theme Eight: Peasants, Zamindars and the State (Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire)
  5. Theme Nine: Kings And Chronicles (The Mughal Empire) 

Themes In Indian History Part 3

  1. Theme Ten: Colonialism And The Countryside (Exploring Official Archives)
  2. Theme Eleven: Rebels and The Raj (1857 Revolt And It's Representation)
  3. Theme Twelve: Colonial Societies (Urbanization, Planning And Architecture)
  4. Theme Thirteen: Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement (Civil Disobedience and Beyond)
  5. Theme Fourteen: Understanding Partition (Politics, Memories, Experiences)
  6. Theme Fifteen: Framing The Constitution (The Beginning Of New Era)

Political Science

 Contemporary World Politics 

  1.  The Cold War Era
  2. The End Of Bipolarity
  3. US Hegemony In World Politics
  4. New Centre of Power (Alternative Centres Of Power)
  5. Contemporary South Asia
  6. International Organisations (UN And It's Organization)
  7. Security In Contemporary World
  8. Environment And Natural Resources
  9. Globalisation 

Politics In India Since Independence

  1. Challenges In Nation Building
  2. Era Of One Party Dominance
  3. Politics of Planned Development
  4. India's External Relations (Foreign Policy)
  5. Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System
  6. The Crisis of Democratic Order
  7. Rise Of Popular Movements
  8. Regional Aspirations
  9. Recent Developments in India Politics 

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